Debtor and Working Capital Management Course

Develop skills in debtor and working capital management. Enroll in this course to understand strategies for optimizing financial resources and managing business debts. BMC Training offers Debtor and Working Capital Management Course in Finance , Accounting and Budgeting Courses.

  • English
  • 115 Training Sessions
  • Confirmed
  • One Week
Debtor and Working Capital Management Training Course

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Type a city name or a month
Venue Start Date End Date Net Fees Details & Registration
Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia 28 - Jul - 2024 1 - Aug - 2024 4750 GBP
Rome , Italy 28 - Jul - 2024 1 - Aug - 2024 7300 GBP
Barcelona , Spain 28 - Jul - 2024 1 - Aug - 2024 6950 GBP
Zurich , Switzerland 28 - Jul - 2024 1 - Aug - 2024 7950 GBP
London , UK 4 - Aug - 2024 8 - Aug - 2024 4950 GBP
Madrid , Spain 4 - Aug - 2024 8 - Aug - 2024 6950 GBP
Munich , Germany 4 - Aug - 2024 8 - Aug - 2024 7900 GBP
Berlin , Germany 4 - Aug - 2024 8 - Aug - 2024 7900 GBP
New York , United States 4 - Aug - 2024 8 - Aug - 2024 10900 GBP
Amsterdam , Netherlands 4 - Aug - 2024 8 - Aug - 2024 8100 GBP
Istanbul , Turkey 11 - Aug - 2024 15 - Aug - 2024 4700 GBP
Bali , Indonesia 11 - Aug - 2024 15 - Aug - 2024 8100 GBP
Singapore , Singapore 11 - Aug - 2024 15 - Aug - 2024 7500 GBP
Washington , United States 11 - Aug - 2024 15 - Aug - 2024 11000 GBP
Istanbul , Turkey 18 - Aug - 2024 22 - Aug - 2024 4700 GBP
Bali , Indonesia 18 - Aug - 2024 22 - Aug - 2024 8100 GBP
Singapore , Singapore 18 - Aug - 2024 22 - Aug - 2024 7500 GBP
Washington , United States 18 - Aug - 2024 22 - Aug - 2024 11000 GBP
Dubai , UAE 25 - Aug - 2024 29 - Aug - 2024 4987.5 GBP
Paris , France 25 - Aug - 2024 29 - Aug - 2024 6700 GBP
Hong Kong , Hong Kong 25 - Aug - 2024 29 - Aug - 2024 8500 GBP
Milan , Italy 4 - Aug - 2024 8 - Aug - 2024 6950 GBP
Tokyo , Japan 25 - Aug - 2024 29 - Aug - 2024 9750 GBP
Dubai , UAE 22 - Sep - 2024 26 - Sep - 2024 4987.5 GBP
Paris , France 22 - Sep - 2024 26 - Sep - 2024 6700 GBP
Hong Kong , Hong Kong 22 - Sep - 2024 26 - Sep - 2024 8500 GBP
Dubai , UAE 1 - Sep - 2024 5 - Sep - 2024 4987.5 GBP
Paris , France 1 - Sep - 2024 5 - Sep - 2024 6700 GBP
Hong Kong , Hong Kong 1 - Sep - 2024 5 - Sep - 2024 8500 GBP
Istanbul , Turkey 8 - Sep - 2024 12 - Sep - 2024 4700 GBP
Bali , Indonesia 8 - Sep - 2024 12 - Sep - 2024 8100 GBP
Singapore , Singapore 8 - Sep - 2024 12 - Sep - 2024 7500 GBP
Washington , United States 8 - Sep - 2024 12 - Sep - 2024 11000 GBP
Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia 15 - Sep - 2024 19 - Sep - 2024 4750 GBP
Rome , Italy 15 - Sep - 2024 19 - Sep - 2024 7300 GBP
Barcelona , Spain 15 - Sep - 2024 19 - Sep - 2024 6950 GBP
Zurich , Switzerland 15 - Sep - 2024 19 - Sep - 2024 7950 GBP
London , UK 1 - Sep - 2024 5 - Sep - 2024 4950 GBP
Madrid , Spain 1 - Sep - 2024 5 - Sep - 2024 6950 GBP
Munich , Germany 1 - Sep - 2024 5 - Sep - 2024 7900 GBP
Berlin , Germany 1 - Sep - 2024 5 - Sep - 2024 7900 GBP
New York , United States 1 - Sep - 2024 5 - Sep - 2024 10900 GBP
Amsterdam , Netherlands 1 - Sep - 2024 5 - Sep - 2024 8100 GBP
Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia 1 - Sep - 2024 5 - Sep - 2024 4750 GBP
Rome , Italy 1 - Sep - 2024 5 - Sep - 2024 7300 GBP
Barcelona , Spain 1 - Sep - 2024 5 - Sep - 2024 6950 GBP
Zurich , Switzerland 1 - Sep - 2024 5 - Sep - 2024 7950 GBP
Tokyo , Japan 22 - Sep - 2024 26 - Sep - 2024 9750 GBP
Tokyo , Japan 1 - Sep - 2024 5 - Sep - 2024 9750 GBP
Milan , Italy 1 - Sep - 2024 5 - Sep - 2024 6950 GBP
London , UK 20 - Oct - 2024 24 - Oct - 2024 4950 GBP
Madrid , Spain 20 - Oct - 2024 24 - Oct - 2024 6950 GBP
Munich , Germany 20 - Oct - 2024 24 - Oct - 2024 7900 GBP
Berlin , Germany 20 - Oct - 2024 24 - Oct - 2024 7900 GBP
New York , United States 20 - Oct - 2024 24 - Oct - 2024 10900 GBP
Amsterdam , Netherlands 20 - Oct - 2024 24 - Oct - 2024 8100 GBP
Istanbul , Turkey 27 - Oct - 2024 31 - Oct - 2024 4700 GBP
Bali , Indonesia 27 - Oct - 2024 31 - Oct - 2024 8100 GBP
Singapore , Singapore 27 - Oct - 2024 31 - Oct - 2024 7500 GBP
Washington , United States 27 - Oct - 2024 31 - Oct - 2024 11000 GBP
Istanbul , Turkey 6 - Oct - 2024 10 - Oct - 2024 4700 GBP
Bali , Indonesia 6 - Oct - 2024 10 - Oct - 2024 8100 GBP
Singapore , Singapore 6 - Oct - 2024 10 - Oct - 2024 7500 GBP
Washington , United States 6 - Oct - 2024 10 - Oct - 2024 11000 GBP
Dubai , UAE 13 - Oct - 2024 17 - Oct - 2024 4987.5 GBP
Paris , France 13 - Oct - 2024 17 - Oct - 2024 6700 GBP
Hong Kong , Hong Kong 13 - Oct - 2024 17 - Oct - 2024 8500 GBP
Milan , Italy 20 - Oct - 2024 24 - Oct - 2024 6950 GBP
Tokyo , Japan 13 - Oct - 2024 17 - Oct - 2024 9750 GBP
Dubai , UAE 17 - Nov - 2024 21 - Nov - 2024 4987.5 GBP
Paris , France 17 - Nov - 2024 21 - Nov - 2024 6700 GBP
Hong Kong , Hong Kong 17 - Nov - 2024 21 - Nov - 2024 8500 GBP
Dubai , UAE 24 - Nov - 2024 28 - Nov - 2024 4987.5 GBP
Paris , France 24 - Nov - 2024 28 - Nov - 2024 6700 GBP
Hong Kong , Hong Kong 24 - Nov - 2024 28 - Nov - 2024 8500 GBP
Istanbul , Turkey 3 - Nov - 2024 7 - Nov - 2024 4700 GBP
Bali , Indonesia 3 - Nov - 2024 7 - Nov - 2024 8100 GBP
Singapore , Singapore 3 - Nov - 2024 7 - Nov - 2024 7500 GBP
Washington , United States 3 - Nov - 2024 7 - Nov - 2024 11000 GBP
Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia 10 - Nov - 2024 14 - Nov - 2024 4750 GBP
Rome , Italy 10 - Nov - 2024 14 - Nov - 2024 7300 GBP
Barcelona , Spain 10 - Nov - 2024 14 - Nov - 2024 6950 GBP
Zurich , Switzerland 10 - Nov - 2024 14 - Nov - 2024 7950 GBP
London , UK 24 - Nov - 2024 28 - Nov - 2024 4950 GBP
Madrid , Spain 24 - Nov - 2024 28 - Nov - 2024 6950 GBP
Munich , Germany 24 - Nov - 2024 28 - Nov - 2024 7900 GBP
Berlin , Germany 24 - Nov - 2024 28 - Nov - 2024 7900 GBP
New York , United States 24 - Nov - 2024 28 - Nov - 2024 10900 GBP
Amsterdam , Netherlands 24 - Nov - 2024 28 - Nov - 2024 8100 GBP
Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia 24 - Nov - 2024 28 - Nov - 2024 4750 GBP
Rome , Italy 24 - Nov - 2024 28 - Nov - 2024 7300 GBP
Barcelona , Spain 24 - Nov - 2024 28 - Nov - 2024 6950 GBP
Zurich , Switzerland 24 - Nov - 2024 28 - Nov - 2024 7950 GBP
Tokyo , Japan 17 - Nov - 2024 21 - Nov - 2024 9750 GBP
Tokyo , Japan 24 - Nov - 2024 28 - Nov - 2024 9750 GBP
Milan , Italy 24 - Nov - 2024 28 - Nov - 2024 6950 GBP
London , UK 15 - Dec - 2024 19 - Dec - 2024 4950 GBP
Madrid , Spain 15 - Dec - 2024 19 - Dec - 2024 6950 GBP
Munich , Germany 15 - Dec - 2024 19 - Dec - 2024 7900 GBP
Berlin , Germany 15 - Dec - 2024 19 - Dec - 2024 7900 GBP
New York , United States 15 - Dec - 2024 19 - Dec - 2024 10900 GBP
Amsterdam , Netherlands 15 - Dec - 2024 19 - Dec - 2024 8100 GBP
Istanbul , Turkey 22 - Dec - 2024 26 - Dec - 2024 4700 GBP
Bali , Indonesia 22 - Dec - 2024 26 - Dec - 2024 8100 GBP
Singapore , Singapore 22 - Dec - 2024 26 - Dec - 2024 7500 GBP
Washington , United States 22 - Dec - 2024 26 - Dec - 2024 11000 GBP
Istanbul , Turkey 8 - Dec - 2024 12 - Dec - 2024 4700 GBP
Bali , Indonesia 8 - Dec - 2024 12 - Dec - 2024 8100 GBP
Singapore , Singapore 8 - Dec - 2024 12 - Dec - 2024 7500 GBP
Washington , United States 8 - Dec - 2024 12 - Dec - 2024 11000 GBP
Dubai , UAE 1 - Dec - 2024 5 - Dec - 2024 4987.5 GBP
Paris , France 1 - Dec - 2024 5 - Dec - 2024 6700 GBP
Hong Kong , Hong Kong 1 - Dec - 2024 5 - Dec - 2024 8500 GBP
Milan , Italy 15 - Dec - 2024 19 - Dec - 2024 6950 GBP
Tokyo , Japan 1 - Dec - 2024 5 - Dec - 2024 9750 GBP

Course Syllabus

Course Objectives

On completion of this course you should be able to:

  • Distinguish between the internal working capital management function and an external interpretation of a firm’s working capital position revealed by its published accounts, Calculate the working capital operating cycle and financing cycle from published accounting data and analyse the inter-relationships between the two,
  • Define the dynamics of a company’s credit-related funds system,
  • Explain how the terms of sale, which comprise the credit period, cash discount and discount period, affect the demand for a firm’s goods and services,
  • Understand the impact of alternative credit policies on the revenues and costs, which are associated with a capital budgeting decision,
  • Appreciate the disparities between the theory and practice of working capital management, given our normative wealth maximisation assumption.

Course Outline

Working Capital Management

  • The Objectives and Structure of Working Capital Management
  • The Objectives of Working Capital Management
  • The Structure of Working Capital

The Accounting Concept of Working Capital: A Critique

  • The Accounting Notion of Solvency
  • Liquidity and Accounting Profitability
  • Financial Interpretation: An Overview
  • Liquidity and Turnover

The Working Capital Cycle and Operating Efficiency

  • The Working Capital Cycle
  • Operating Efficiency

Real World Considerations and the Credit Related Funds System

  • Real World Considerations
  • The Credit Related Funds System

Strategic Debtor Investment

The Effective Credit Price and Decision to Discount

  • The Effective Credit Price
  • The Effective Discount Price
  • The Decision to Discount

The Opportunity Cost of Capital and Credit Related Funds System

  • The Opportunity Cost of Capital Rate
  • The Credit Related Fund System
  • The Development of Theory

The Strategic Impact of Alternative Credit Policies on Working Capital and Company Profitability

  • Effective Prices and the Creditor Firm
  • Alternative Credit Policies, Working Capital Investment and Corporate Profitability

Empirical Evidence and Theoretical Review

  • The Theory
  • The Empirical Evidence
  • Late Payments and the Case for Legislation

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