Human Resource Management Courses in Istanbul , Turkey

BMC Training provides Human Resource Management Courses in Istanbul , Turkey . Check all Training Courses in Turkey .

Training Courses in Istanbul , Turkey

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Human Resource Management Courses in Istanbul , Turkey

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Course title City Start Date Duration
HR Metrics and Analytics Istanbul 28 - Jul - 2024 One Week
Effective Performance Review Istanbul 28 - Jul - 2024 One Week
The Business of HR Istanbul 28 - Jul - 2024 One Week
Compensation and Benefits Administrator Istanbul 28 - Jul - 2024 One Week
Job Mastery and Performance Istanbul 28 - Jul - 2024 One Week
Competency -Based Management Istanbul 28 - Jul - 2024 One Week
Coaching for Success in the Oil and Gas Industry Istanbul 28 - Jul - 2024 One Week
Strategic Human Resources Management Istanbul 28 - Jul - 2024 One Week
Competencies - Design, Development and Implementation Istanbul 28 - Jul - 2024 One Week
Career Development and Succession Planning Istanbul 28 - Jul - 2024 One Week
Human Resources Management Istanbul 28 - Jul - 2024 One Week
Essential Skills for the HR Professional Istanbul 28 - Jul - 2024 One Week
Auditing HR Processes Istanbul 28 - Jul - 2024 One Week
Identifying Training Needs and Evaluating Training Istanbul 28 - Jul - 2024 Two Weeks
Performance Management - Setting Objectives and Conducting Appraisals Istanbul 28 - Jul - 2024 One Week
Knowledge Management - How to Create an Effective Learning Organization Istanbul 28 - Jul - 2024 One Week
HR Leadership - Competencies for Exceptional Performance Istanbul 28 - Jul - 2024 One Week
Advanced Selection ,Interviewing and Recruitment Skills Istanbul 28 - Jul - 2024 One Week
aPHR Preparation Istanbul 28 - Jul - 2024 One Week
PHR Preparation-Professional in Human Resources Istanbul 28 - Jul - 2024 Two Weeks
aPHRi Preparation-Associate Professional in Human Resources-International Istanbul 28 - Jul - 2024 Two Weeks
HR Metrics and Analytics Istanbul 18 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Effective Performance Review Istanbul 18 - Aug - 2024 One Week
HR Skills for HR Administrators Istanbul 25 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Writing Effective Policies and Procedures Istanbul 18 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Leadership Bootcamp for HR Professionals Istanbul 18 - Aug - 2024 One Week
The Business of HR Istanbul 4 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Essential HR Practices for Managers, Team Leaders and Supervisors Istanbul 11 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Essential HR Practices for Managers, Team Leaders and Supervisors Istanbul 18 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Compensation and Benefits Administrator Istanbul 18 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Job Mastery and Performance Istanbul 18 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Training Management and Organisational Learning for Oil and Gas Industries Istanbul 25 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Continuous Employee Development and Empowerment Istanbul 18 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Leading Strategic HR Transformation Istanbul 18 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Competency -Based Management Istanbul 4 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Measuring and Maximising Training ROI Istanbul 11 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Measuring and Maximising Training ROI Istanbul 18 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Coaching for Success in the Oil and Gas Industry Istanbul 18 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Strategic Human Resources Management Istanbul 18 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Recruitment, Interviewing and Selection Istanbul 25 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Organization and Workforce Planning Istanbul 18 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Certified Training and Development Professional Istanbul 18 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Competencies - Design, Development and Implementation Istanbul 4 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Employee Relations - Roles and Responsibilities Istanbul 11 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Employee Relations - Roles and Responsibilities Istanbul 18 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Career Development and Succession Planning Istanbul 18 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Human Resources Management Istanbul 18 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Advanced Employee Relations Istanbul 25 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Managing and Coordinating Training Istanbul 18 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Writing HR Policies and Procedures Istanbul 18 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Human Resources KPIs - Benchmarking HR Performance Istanbul 18 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Job Description Writing Workshop Istanbul 11 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Job Description Writing Workshop Istanbul 18 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Essential Skills for the HR Professional Istanbul 18 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Auditing HR Processes Istanbul 18 - Aug - 2024 One Week
HR Administration Skills Istanbul 25 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Professional Interviewing Skills Istanbul 18 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Identifying Training Needs and Evaluating Training Istanbul 4 - Aug - 2024 Two Weeks
Employee Engagement and Retention Istanbul 18 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Performance Management - Setting Objectives and Conducting Appraisals Istanbul 4 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Compensation and Benefits Istanbul 11 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Compensation and Benefits Istanbul 18 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Knowledge Management - How to Create an Effective Learning Organization Istanbul 18 - Aug - 2024 One Week
HR Leadership - Competencies for Exceptional Performance Istanbul 18 - Aug - 2024 One Week
HR Analytics - Concepts and Tools for Effective Decision -Making Istanbul 25 - Aug - 2024 One Week
The Job Evaluation Workshop Istanbul 18 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Designing and Implementing a Performance Management System Istanbul 18 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Advanced Human Resources Management Istanbul 25 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Advanced Selection ,Interviewing and Recruitment Skills Istanbul 4 - Aug - 2024 One Week
aPHR Preparation Istanbul 4 - Aug - 2024 One Week
PHR Preparation-Professional in Human Resources Istanbul 4 - Aug - 2024 Two Weeks
aPHRi Preparation-Associate Professional in Human Resources-International Istanbul 4 - Aug - 2024 Two Weeks
GPHR Preparation-Global Professional in Human Resources Istanbul 18 - Aug - 2024 One Week
PHRi Preparation-Professional in Human Resources International Istanbul 18 - Aug - 2024 One Week
HR Business Partner-Roles,Responsibilities and Competencies Istanbul 18 - Aug - 2024 One Week
HR Best Practices: Strategies and Tools for Optimal Performance Istanbul 11 - Aug - 2024 One Week
HR Best Practices: Strategies and Tools for Optimal Performance Istanbul 18 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Certified Compliance Professional Istanbul 11 - Aug - 2024 One Week
Certified Compliance Professional Istanbul 18 - Aug - 2024 One Week
HR Metrics and Analytics Istanbul 15 - Sep - 2024 One Week
Effective Performance Review Istanbul 15 - Sep - 2024 One Week
HR Skills for HR Administrators Istanbul 1 - Sep - 2024 One Week
Writing Effective Policies and Procedures Istanbul 22 - Sep - 2024 One Week
The Business of HR Istanbul 15 - Sep - 2024 One Week
Essential HR Practices for Managers, Team Leaders and Supervisors Istanbul 8 - Sep - 2024 One Week
Compensation and Benefits Management Istanbul 22 - Sep - 2024 One Week
Compensation and Benefits Administrator Istanbul 15 - Sep - 2024 One Week
Job Mastery and Performance Istanbul 15 - Sep - 2024 One Week
Training Management and Organisational Learning for Oil and Gas Industries Istanbul 1 - Sep - 2024 One Week
Continuous Employee Development and Empowerment Istanbul 22 - Sep - 2024 One Week
Competency -Based Management Istanbul 15 - Sep - 2024 One Week
Measuring and Maximising Training ROI Istanbul 8 - Sep - 2024 One Week
Managing Employee Performance, Behaviour and Attitudes Istanbul 22 - Sep - 2024 One Week
Coaching for Success in the Oil and Gas Industry Istanbul 15 - Sep - 2024 One Week
Strategic Human Resources Management Istanbul 15 - Sep - 2024 One Week
Recruitment, Interviewing and Selection Istanbul 1 - Sep - 2024 One Week
Organization and Workforce Planning Istanbul 22 - Sep - 2024 One Week
Competencies - Design, Development and Implementation Istanbul 15 - Sep - 2024 One Week
Employee Relations - Roles and Responsibilities Istanbul 8 - Sep - 2024 One Week
Strategic Recruitment, Interviewing and Selection Istanbul 22 - Sep - 2024 One Week
Career Development and Succession Planning Istanbul 15 - Sep - 2024 One Week
Human Resources Management Istanbul 15 - Sep - 2024 One Week
Advanced Employee Relations Istanbul 1 - Sep - 2024 One Week
Managing and Coordinating Training Istanbul 22 - Sep - 2024 One Week
Job Description Writing Workshop Istanbul 8 - Sep - 2024 One Week
Train the Trainer - From Design to Delivery Istanbul 22 - Sep - 2024 One Week
Essential Skills for the HR Professional Istanbul 15 - Sep - 2024 One Week
Auditing HR Processes Istanbul 15 - Sep - 2024 One Week
HR Administration Skills Istanbul 1 - Sep - 2024 One Week
Professional Interviewing Skills Istanbul 22 - Sep - 2024 One Week
Identifying Training Needs and Evaluating Training Istanbul 15 - Sep - 2024 Two Weeks
Performance Management - Setting Objectives and Conducting Appraisals Istanbul 15 - Sep - 2024 One Week
Compensation and Benefits Istanbul 8 - Sep - 2024 One Week
Strategic Talent Management Istanbul 22 - Sep - 2024 One Week
Knowledge Management - How to Create an Effective Learning Organization Istanbul 15 - Sep - 2024 One Week
HR Leadership - Competencies for Exceptional Performance Istanbul 15 - Sep - 2024 One Week
HR Analytics - Concepts and Tools for Effective Decision -Making Istanbul 1 - Sep - 2024 One Week
The Job Evaluation Workshop Istanbul 22 - Sep - 2024 One Week
Advanced Human Resources Management Istanbul 1 - Sep - 2024 One Week
Advanced Selection ,Interviewing and Recruitment Skills Istanbul 15 - Sep - 2024 One Week
Certified Training Officer Istanbul 22 - Sep - 2024 One Week
aPHR Preparation Istanbul 15 - Sep - 2024 One Week
PHR Preparation-Professional in Human Resources Istanbul 15 - Sep - 2024 Two Weeks
aPHRi Preparation-Associate Professional in Human Resources-International Istanbul 15 - Sep - 2024 Two Weeks
GPHR Preparation-Global Professional in Human Resources Istanbul 22 - Sep - 2024 One Week
Coach Training Course-Coaching, Mentoring and Career Development Skills for Success Istanbul 8 - Sep - 2024 Two Weeks
HR Best Practices: Strategies and Tools for Optimal Performance Istanbul 8 - Sep - 2024 One Week
Certified Compliance Professional Istanbul 8 - Sep - 2024 One Week
HR Metrics and Analytics Istanbul 6 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Effective Performance Review Istanbul 6 - Oct - 2024 One Week
HR Skills for HR Administrators Istanbul 13 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Writing Effective Policies and Procedures Istanbul 6 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Leadership Bootcamp for HR Professionals Istanbul 6 - Oct - 2024 One Week
The Business of HR Istanbul 20 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Essential HR Practices for Managers, Team Leaders and Supervisors Istanbul 27 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Essential HR Practices for Managers, Team Leaders and Supervisors Istanbul 6 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Compensation and Benefits Administrator Istanbul 6 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Job Mastery and Performance Istanbul 6 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Training Management and Organisational Learning for Oil and Gas Industries Istanbul 13 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Continuous Employee Development and Empowerment Istanbul 6 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Leading Strategic HR Transformation Istanbul 6 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Competency -Based Management Istanbul 20 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Measuring and Maximising Training ROI Istanbul 27 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Measuring and Maximising Training ROI Istanbul 6 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Coaching for Success in the Oil and Gas Industry Istanbul 6 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Strategic Human Resources Management Istanbul 6 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Recruitment, Interviewing and Selection Istanbul 13 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Organization and Workforce Planning Istanbul 6 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Certified Training and Development Professional Istanbul 6 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Competencies - Design, Development and Implementation Istanbul 20 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Employee Relations - Roles and Responsibilities Istanbul 27 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Employee Relations - Roles and Responsibilities Istanbul 6 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Career Development and Succession Planning Istanbul 6 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Human Resources Management Istanbul 6 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Advanced Employee Relations Istanbul 13 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Managing and Coordinating Training Istanbul 6 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Writing HR Policies and Procedures Istanbul 6 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Human Resources KPIs - Benchmarking HR Performance Istanbul 6 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Job Description Writing Workshop Istanbul 27 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Job Description Writing Workshop Istanbul 6 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Essential Skills for the HR Professional Istanbul 6 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Auditing HR Processes Istanbul 6 - Oct - 2024 One Week
HR Administration Skills Istanbul 13 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Professional Interviewing Skills Istanbul 6 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Identifying Training Needs and Evaluating Training Istanbul 20 - Oct - 2024 Two Weeks
Employee Engagement and Retention Istanbul 6 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Performance Management - Setting Objectives and Conducting Appraisals Istanbul 20 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Compensation and Benefits Istanbul 27 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Compensation and Benefits Istanbul 6 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Knowledge Management - How to Create an Effective Learning Organization Istanbul 6 - Oct - 2024 One Week
HR Leadership - Competencies for Exceptional Performance Istanbul 6 - Oct - 2024 One Week
HR Analytics - Concepts and Tools for Effective Decision -Making Istanbul 13 - Oct - 2024 One Week
The Job Evaluation Workshop Istanbul 6 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Designing and Implementing a Performance Management System Istanbul 6 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Advanced Human Resources Management Istanbul 13 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Advanced Selection ,Interviewing and Recruitment Skills Istanbul 20 - Oct - 2024 One Week
aPHR Preparation Istanbul 20 - Oct - 2024 One Week
PHR Preparation-Professional in Human Resources Istanbul 20 - Oct - 2024 Two Weeks
aPHRi Preparation-Associate Professional in Human Resources-International Istanbul 20 - Oct - 2024 Two Weeks
GPHR Preparation-Global Professional in Human Resources Istanbul 6 - Oct - 2024 One Week
PHRi Preparation-Professional in Human Resources International Istanbul 6 - Oct - 2024 One Week
HR Business Partner-Roles,Responsibilities and Competencies Istanbul 6 - Oct - 2024 One Week
HR Best Practices: Strategies and Tools for Optimal Performance Istanbul 27 - Oct - 2024 One Week
HR Best Practices: Strategies and Tools for Optimal Performance Istanbul 6 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Certified Compliance Professional Istanbul 27 - Oct - 2024 One Week
Certified Compliance Professional Istanbul 6 - Oct - 2024 One Week
HR Metrics and Analytics Istanbul 10 - Nov - 2024 One Week
Effective Performance Review Istanbul 10 - Nov - 2024 One Week
HR Skills for HR Administrators Istanbul 24 - Nov - 2024 One Week
Writing Effective Policies and Procedures Istanbul 17 - Nov - 2024 One Week
The Business of HR Istanbul 10 - Nov - 2024 One Week
Essential HR Practices for Managers, Team Leaders and Supervisors Istanbul 3 - Nov - 2024 One Week
Compensation and Benefits Management Istanbul 17 - Nov - 2024 One Week
Compensation and Benefits Administrator Istanbul 10 - Nov - 2024 One Week
Job Mastery and Performance Istanbul 10 - Nov - 2024 One Week
Training Management and Organisational Learning for Oil and Gas Industries Istanbul 24 - Nov - 2024 One Week
Continuous Employee Development and Empowerment Istanbul 17 - Nov - 2024 One Week
Competency -Based Management Istanbul 10 - Nov - 2024 One Week
Measuring and Maximising Training ROI Istanbul 3 - Nov - 2024 One Week
Managing Employee Performance, Behaviour and Attitudes Istanbul 17 - Nov - 2024 One Week
Coaching for Success in the Oil and Gas Industry Istanbul 10 - Nov - 2024 One Week
Strategic Human Resources Management Istanbul 10 - Nov - 2024 One Week
Recruitment, Interviewing and Selection Istanbul 24 - Nov - 2024 One Week
Organization and Workforce Planning Istanbul 17 - Nov - 2024 One Week
Competencies - Design, Development and Implementation Istanbul 10 - Nov - 2024 One Week
Employee Relations - Roles and Responsibilities Istanbul 3 - Nov - 2024 One Week
Strategic Recruitment, Interviewing and Selection Istanbul 17 - Nov - 2024 One Week
Career Development and Succession Planning Istanbul 10 - Nov - 2024 One Week
Human Resources Management Istanbul 10 - Nov - 2024 One Week
Advanced Employee Relations Istanbul 24 - Nov - 2024 One Week
Managing and Coordinating Training Istanbul 17 - Nov - 2024 One Week
Job Description Writing Workshop Istanbul 3 - Nov - 2024 One Week
Train the Trainer - From Design to Delivery Istanbul 17 - Nov - 2024 One Week
Essential Skills for the HR Professional Istanbul 10 - Nov - 2024 One Week
Auditing HR Processes Istanbul 10 - Nov - 2024 One Week
HR Administration Skills Istanbul 24 - Nov - 2024 One Week
Professional Interviewing Skills Istanbul 17 - Nov - 2024 One Week
Identifying Training Needs and Evaluating Training Istanbul 10 - Nov - 2024 Two Weeks
Performance Management - Setting Objectives and Conducting Appraisals Istanbul 10 - Nov - 2024 One Week
Compensation and Benefits Istanbul 3 - Nov - 2024 One Week
Strategic Talent Management Istanbul 17 - Nov - 2024 One Week
Knowledge Management - How to Create an Effective Learning Organization Istanbul 10 - Nov - 2024 One Week
HR Leadership - Competencies for Exceptional Performance Istanbul 10 - Nov - 2024 One Week
HR Analytics - Concepts and Tools for Effective Decision -Making Istanbul 24 - Nov - 2024 One Week
The Job Evaluation Workshop Istanbul 17 - Nov - 2024 One Week
Advanced Human Resources Management Istanbul 24 - Nov - 2024 One Week
Advanced Selection ,Interviewing and Recruitment Skills Istanbul 10 - Nov - 2024 One Week
Certified Training Officer Istanbul 17 - Nov - 2024 One Week
aPHR Preparation Istanbul 10 - Nov - 2024 One Week
PHR Preparation-Professional in Human Resources Istanbul 10 - Nov - 2024 Two Weeks
aPHRi Preparation-Associate Professional in Human Resources-International Istanbul 10 - Nov - 2024 Two Weeks
GPHR Preparation-Global Professional in Human Resources Istanbul 17 - Nov - 2024 One Week
Coach Training Course-Coaching, Mentoring and Career Development Skills for Success Istanbul 3 - Nov - 2024 Two Weeks
HR Best Practices: Strategies and Tools for Optimal Performance Istanbul 3 - Nov - 2024 One Week
Certified Compliance Professional Istanbul 3 - Nov - 2024 One Week
HR Metrics and Analytics Istanbul 8 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Effective Performance Review Istanbul 8 - Dec - 2024 One Week
HR Skills for HR Administrators Istanbul 1 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Writing Effective Policies and Procedures Istanbul 8 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Leadership Bootcamp for HR Professionals Istanbul 8 - Dec - 2024 One Week
The Business of HR Istanbul 15 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Essential HR Practices for Managers, Team Leaders and Supervisors Istanbul 22 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Essential HR Practices for Managers, Team Leaders and Supervisors Istanbul 8 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Compensation and Benefits Administrator Istanbul 8 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Job Mastery and Performance Istanbul 8 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Training Management and Organisational Learning for Oil and Gas Industries Istanbul 1 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Continuous Employee Development and Empowerment Istanbul 8 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Leading Strategic HR Transformation Istanbul 8 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Competency -Based Management Istanbul 15 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Measuring and Maximising Training ROI Istanbul 22 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Measuring and Maximising Training ROI Istanbul 8 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Coaching for Success in the Oil and Gas Industry Istanbul 8 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Strategic Human Resources Management Istanbul 8 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Recruitment, Interviewing and Selection Istanbul 1 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Organization and Workforce Planning Istanbul 8 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Certified Training and Development Professional Istanbul 8 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Competencies - Design, Development and Implementation Istanbul 15 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Employee Relations - Roles and Responsibilities Istanbul 22 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Employee Relations - Roles and Responsibilities Istanbul 8 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Career Development and Succession Planning Istanbul 8 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Human Resources Management Istanbul 8 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Advanced Employee Relations Istanbul 1 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Managing and Coordinating Training Istanbul 8 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Writing HR Policies and Procedures Istanbul 8 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Human Resources KPIs - Benchmarking HR Performance Istanbul 8 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Job Description Writing Workshop Istanbul 22 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Job Description Writing Workshop Istanbul 8 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Essential Skills for the HR Professional Istanbul 8 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Auditing HR Processes Istanbul 8 - Dec - 2024 One Week
HR Administration Skills Istanbul 1 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Professional Interviewing Skills Istanbul 8 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Identifying Training Needs and Evaluating Training Istanbul 15 - Dec - 2024 Two Weeks
Employee Engagement and Retention Istanbul 8 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Performance Management - Setting Objectives and Conducting Appraisals Istanbul 15 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Compensation and Benefits Istanbul 22 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Compensation and Benefits Istanbul 8 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Knowledge Management - How to Create an Effective Learning Organization Istanbul 8 - Dec - 2024 One Week
HR Leadership - Competencies for Exceptional Performance Istanbul 8 - Dec - 2024 One Week
HR Analytics - Concepts and Tools for Effective Decision -Making Istanbul 1 - Dec - 2024 One Week
The Job Evaluation Workshop Istanbul 8 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Designing and Implementing a Performance Management System Istanbul 8 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Advanced Human Resources Management Istanbul 1 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Advanced Selection ,Interviewing and Recruitment Skills Istanbul 15 - Dec - 2024 One Week
aPHR Preparation Istanbul 15 - Dec - 2024 One Week
PHR Preparation-Professional in Human Resources Istanbul 15 - Dec - 2024 Two Weeks
aPHRi Preparation-Associate Professional in Human Resources-International Istanbul 15 - Dec - 2024 Two Weeks
GPHR Preparation-Global Professional in Human Resources Istanbul 8 - Dec - 2024 One Week
PHRi Preparation-Professional in Human Resources International Istanbul 8 - Dec - 2024 One Week
HR Business Partner-Roles,Responsibilities and Competencies Istanbul 8 - Dec - 2024 One Week
HR Best Practices: Strategies and Tools for Optimal Performance Istanbul 22 - Dec - 2024 One Week
HR Best Practices: Strategies and Tools for Optimal Performance Istanbul 8 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Certified Compliance Professional Istanbul 22 - Dec - 2024 One Week
Certified Compliance Professional Istanbul 8 - Dec - 2024 One Week